Custom language syntax highlighting

How to (crudely) add a custom language to Eleventy's syntax highlighting plugin

Sep 15, 2023

While writing my last post on filtering tags in Eleventy I decided I wanted to have the ability to type examples of nunjucks code in my posts. I figured that shouldn't be a problem, so I proceeded to naively add nunjucks as the language to my code blocks. And...nothing happened. Ok, maybe its njk? Nope. So I headed over to the Prism site to see what I should be typing, and guess what? Nunjucks is not supported.

Because sometimes I need things just so, I absolutely needed nunjucks code blocks to be syntax highlighted. As it turns out there are a couple of ways I found to do this. Digging into Eleventy's syntax highlighting plugin, I found that you could customize Prism, and part of this is the ability to add custom languages. If you don't already have it just install and import at the top of your .eleventy.js file:

const syntaxHighlight = require('@11ty/eleventy-plugin-syntaxhighlight');

Next add the plugin to your one module.exports:

eleventyConfig.addPlugin(syntaxHighlight, { options });

Within the options there is the init property which gives access to the Prism object. Per the Eleventy syntax highlighting docs:

eleventyConfig.addPlugin(syntaxHighlight, {
// init callback lets you customize Prism
init: function({ Prism }) {
Prism.languages.myCustomLanguage = /* */;

So I headed over to Prism in order to figure out adding a new language. It is not too terribly difficult, according to their docs:

Every language is defined as a set of tokens, which are expressed as regular expressions

The next part was how to implement the regular expressions for nunjuks syntax highlighting. One of the issues on github suggested using twig or liquid, I chose the latter. (Interestingly enough, there was one issue from 2015 where nunjucks was almost added, but was closed beacause twig "works great".) In the repo is the components folder which contains all of the language definitions for Prism. It was enough to grab the Prism.languages.liquid definition as the new nunjuks language. So far all I have changed is the comment pattern, and that has worked. Here is what I have in my code:

eleventyConfig.addPlugin(syntaxHighlight, {
alwaysWrapLineHighlights: true,
errorOnInvalidLanguage: false,
init: function ({ Prism }) {
Prism.languages['nunjucks'] = {
comment: /^\{#[\s\S]*?#\}/,
delimiter: {
pattern: /^\{(?:\{\{|[%\{])-?|-?(?:\}\}|[%\}])\}$/,
alias: 'punctuation',
string: {
pattern: /"[^"]*"|'[^']*'/,
greedy: true,
object: /\b(?:address|all_country_option_tags|article|block|blog|cart|checkout|collection|color|country|country_option_tags|currency|current_page|current_tags|customer|customer_address|date|discount_allocation|discount_application|external_video|filter|filter_value|font|forloop|fulfillment|generic_file|gift_card|group|handle|image|line_item|link|linklist|localization|location|measurement|media|metafield|model|model_source|order|page|page_description|page_image|page_title|part|policy|product|product_option|recommendations|request|robots|routes|rule|script|search|selling_plan|selling_plan_allocation|selling_plan_group|shipping_method|shop|shop_locale|sitemap|store_availability|tax_line|template|theme|transaction|unit_price_measurement|user_agent|variant|video|video_source)\b/,
function: [
pattern: /(\|\s*)\w+/,
lookbehind: true,
alias: 'filter',
// array functions
pattern: /(\.\s*)(?:first|last|size)/,
lookbehind: true,
boolean: /\b(?:false|nil|true)\b/,
range: {
pattern: /\.\./,
alias: 'operator',
number: /\b\d+(?:\.\d+)?\b/,
operator: /[!=]=|<>|[<>]=?|[|?:=-]|\b(?:and|contains(?=\s)|or)\b/,
punctuation: /[.,\[\]()]/,
empty: {
pattern: /\bempty\b/,
alias: 'keyword',

I did not add the hooks below, because I honestly could not figure out what they do, and it turns out you don't need them to get up and running.

Now I can do something like this:

{% if ogUrl %}
content="{{ title | slugify }}-1.jpeg"
content="{{ title | slugify }}-1.jpeg"
{% else %}
{% endif %}

Please note that if the syntax you are trying to highlight conflicts with the parent template, then you need to wrap it in raw tags. See this issue.

Hope this helps someone with similar needs, and perhaps amateur ability like myself. 🍻



